Celebs’ private financial details posted online

The personal financial information of number of US celebrities has been published on a Russian website.

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Beyonce, Jay-Z, Kim Kardashian, Britney Spears, Paris Hilton, Ashton Kutcher, Mel Gibson and Hulk Hogan are among the celebrities affected. The details of US government officials including former Secretary of State Hilary Clinton and US Vice President Joe Biden were also revealed, as were those of FBI and Los Angeles police chiefs.

The Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD) is investigating how the Russian site obtained the information, which it described as 'The Secret Files'. Police Commander Andrew Smith told the website: "People get mad at us, go on the internet and try to find information about us, and post it all on one site. The best word I can use to describe it is creepy."

The details published are understood to considerably exceed standard levels of information normally published. Many of the credit reports are believed to have been obtained last week, and was still being posted on Monday night.

Some of the data gained includes social security numbers – which can give rise to identity fraud using addresses, mortgage accounts, bank accounts and credit card numbers.

The personal details were accompanied by unflattering photos of the respective victims.

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