Tuesday 5 February is Safer Internet Day

Tuesday  5th February is Safer Internet Day, an event organised in the UK by the Safer Internet Centre to raise awareness of online safety for children and young people. And Get Safe Online is making a unique contribution. 

Schools, partners of the Safer Internet Centre and many other organisations across the country will be highlighting the importance of keeping protected from the many risks that our children and young people face when online on their computers, smartphones and tablets … listed here. The theme for this year's event – which is the tenth to take place – is "Connect with Respect”.

The day is not confined only to this country, however, as educational establishments and organisations concerned with young people's online safety in more than 70 countries are participating.

Here in the UK, the Safer Internet Centre is asking as many people as possible to get involved by spreading the word about the day and organising activities with children and young people, parents and carers and others in the community.

A nationwide survey held towards the end of last year gathered the views of children and young people across the country on their online rights and responsibilities. The results of the survey are be presented to the government on Tuesday.

Get Safe Online – in conjunction with partners SOCA (Serious Organised Crime Agency) and Trend Micro – will be running an awareness campaign in a number of selected schools:

– Hawthorn High School Cardiff
– Luckley Oakfield School, Wokingham
– Edinburgh Academy, Edinburgh
– Broughton High School, Edinburgh
– Fairfield High School, Bristol

Wise students who pass on safety tips will be rewarded with funky ‘Connect with Respect’ bracelets, SOCA officers will be helping experts from Get Safe Online to spread the word in school assemblies and the schools will receive free antivirus software from Trend Micro.

You can't say safer than that! 


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