Five digital lessons from Generation Z

When mum is having tech issues, who is the first person she goes to for IT support? It’s likely her son or daughter. Generation Zs (aged 24 and under) have grown up with tablets, mobile phones and the fast pace of consumer technology. As digital natives, they have seen the evolution of tech and can easily dive into new social platforms and navigate the user experience. For other generations, it may not come so effortlessly.  

According to our recent survey for Get Safe Online Week, Gen Zs believe they are the most digitally responsible generation. And the majority (92%) have something they would like to teach older adults to help them stay safe online. Here are the top lessons they want to share:

1. How to spot spam / scam emails

If you don’t know the sender, be wary of opening. And if you spot spelling errors, urgent offer or cessation of service dates, there’s a virus warning or attachments such as exe. files, then you should definitely avoid and delete.

Read our article about spam, scam and fake emails to find out more.

2. How not to fall for phone scams

A bank or payment card company will never ask you to transfer money to an account that you do not recognise, so hang up immediately. Never provide financial or personal details to a caller, but call back on a number you know to be authentic. Many scammers have the ability to spoof authentic numbers to fool you into thinking that they are genuine.

3. How to make sure your social media profile is set to private

Typically, after setting up a social media account, your profile is automatically open for the public to view. But there are some straightforward steps to switch settings to private. Use these features to restrict strangers’ access to your profile. And be guarded about who you let join your network.

4. The impact of oversharing on social media

With more than three quarters (77%) of Gen Zs having felt embarrassed by something posted about them online, it’s good to pause before you publish. Also remember that social networks are a hot spot tool for identity thieves. Be wary of publishing any identifying information about yourself in your posts – such as phone numbers, pictures of your home, your address, birthday and even your geo location.

Read our article about oversharing on social media to find out more

5. How to create a strong password

To create a strong password, simply choose three random words. Numbers, symbols and combinations of upper and lower case can be used if you feel you need to create a stronger password, or the account you are creating a password for requires more than just letters.

Gen Zs are keen to share their knowledge, so this Get Safe Online Week is a good time to initiate a two-way conversation. Sharing top tips around digital responsibility with the people around you will help to improve behaviours and ensure a safer use of the internet.



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