Archives: Business News

7 in 10 businesses leaving themselves at risk

7 in 10 businesses leaving themselves at risk

Over £1bn lost by businesses to online crime in a year

Over £1bn lost by businesses to online crime in a year

UK businesses urged to protect themselves better online

UK businesses urged to protect themselves better online

Businesses hit by online extortion demand email

Businesses hit by online extortion demand email

Businesses need to “get real” about cyber security

Businesses need to “get real” about cyber security

New cyberattack extortion threat to businesses

New cyberattack extortion threat to businesses

Increase reported in mandate fraud

Increase reported in mandate fraud

Alarming increase in CEO impersonation fraud


SMEs warned about increase in invoice fraud

SMEs warned about increase in invoice fraud

Massive breach of US Govt workers’ personal data

Massive breach of US Govt workers’ personal data