
The latest internet safety and cyber security news from Get Safe Online, as well as the launches of the latest campaigns to help you get safe online

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‘WannaCry’ Two – What you need to know and how you can protect yourself

Recent news reports cite that there is a new type of the malware spreading across the world’s computers that is similar to the infections back in May that affected large parts of the NHS. This malware is again known as ransomware that...

28 June 2017


New Met Police online safety videos

The Metropolitan Police’s Fraud Squad has produced five videos to advise internet users on how to avoid becoming a victim of crime by adjusting current online behaviours that can make users vulnerable to cybercriminal activity.  Last...

26 June 2017


Survey reveals online safety risks to children

June 7th 2017 Findings revealed in the latest update to the Net Aware guide - published by children's charity NSPCC - show how easy it is for school children to access dangerous and harmful material online - despite repeated calls for...

7 June 2017


Manchester charity concert fake ticket warning

June 2nd 2017 In general, criminals have no scruples about whom they defraud – however much hardship or despair it causes the victim. However, the offer of fraudulent tickets to this Sunday’s One Love Manchester concert featuring Ariana...

2 June 2017


Over half of young gamers experience abuse

May 31st 2017 Research carried out with young online gamers by anti-bullying charity Ditch the Label, has revealed that 57% of those surveyed had been victims of bullying online when playing games. For information and advice on safe online...

31 May 2017

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