The Cyber-security Information Sharing Partnership (CiSP) is a joint industry/government initiative to share cyber threat and vulnerability information in order to increase overall situational awareness of the cyber threat and therefore reduce the impact on UK business. CiSP allows members from across sectors and organisations to exchange cyber threat information in real time, on a secure and dynamic environment, whilst operating within a framework that protects the confidentiality of shared information.

CiSP allows members from across sectors and organisations to exchange cyber threat information in real time, on a secure and dynamic environment, whilst operating within a framework that protects the confidentiality of shared information.

As a CiSP member, you are also able to receive network monitoring reports. This free service allows you to receive tailored feeds of information from CERT-UK covering any malicious activity that we see on your network.

You can sign up for this service when you join CiSP or register your interest and a member of the team will get back to you when you have the necessary information.

CiSP sits as part of the National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC).

To learn more about the benefits of membership of CiSP and to enquire about joining, visit

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