Listen to our podcast on keeping your business safe online

To support Get Safe Online Week this year, we are focusing on providing small and medium sized businesses tips and advice on how to minimise the chances of your organisation becoming a victim. We’ve recorded a podcast involving a number of experts to help you understand the threats, but also help you think about ways you can protect yourself.

If you own, manage or work for an SME – however large or small and however good you think your cyber defences are – please listen to our podcast to hear insights and advice from:

Lee Falcus, a Fraud Manager within the UK for HSBC Bank, outlining what sort of threats they’re seeing for small businesses and how the fraudsters trick staff into becoming unwitting victims.

Mike Haley, CEO at Cifas – the UK’s leading fraud prevention service – who advises on what trends they have witnessed in fraud for small businesses and provide advice on how to avoid becoming a victim in this space.

Tony Neate, CEO at Get Safe Online, the UK’s leading resource for information and advice on keeping yourself and your business safe on the internet.

Mark Spencer-Smith, a Data Governance Consultant at Concirrus, an SME specialising in digital transformation for speciality insurance providers.

Listen to the Podcast

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