New fraud guidance helps public to give safely

October 26th 2017

In an update to our headline story yesterday, we can report that as part of National Charity Fraud Awareness Week, Get Safe Online has joined forces with the Fraud Advisory Panel, law enforcement agencies, regulators and other stakeholders to issue two new items of simple fraud prevention advice for anyone wanting to donate on the doorstep, on the street or online, helping donors make sure their money really does reach those who need it. The advice can be downloaded by clicking on the images on this page.

David Kirk, Chairman of the Fraud Advisory Panel said: “The vast majority of  fundraising activities are legitimate but fraudsters are expert at hijacking our kindness and diverting our charitable donations into their pockets. Cruelly, they are especially active during a crisis or tragedy. But making sure our donations really do reach the causes we care about is easier than most people realise. For example:

   –  Ignore unsolicited emails, texts or social media messages/posts from charities you’ve never heard of or have no association with.

   –  Protect your personal information – never reveal passwords or PINs.

   –  Watch out for tell-tale signs like spelling or grammar mistakes in the literature, photocopied IDs and unsealed collection buckets.

   –  Don’t feel under pressure – take your time to make a considered, informed decision.”   

The Fraud Advisory Panel, Get Safe Online and GoFundMe have also simultaneously released five tips for donating safely through crowdfunding sites.

David Kirk explains that it is vital we don’t simply stop giving: “Charities need our support more than ever in these difficult times. But we can all keep donating and make life a lot harder for the charity fraudster by taking the straightforward precautions listed in this new guide.” 

By Get Safe Online

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